Tuesday, December 06, 2005


Well we met Chad and a group of crazy Texans on our 1st trip to Hawaii and who would have thought that we would meet up again of all places in Sydney.
Chad it was brilliant to see you again we both had a blast hanging out with you again, next time it will be on your home turf so y'all better get ready cause the Aussies are a coming soon...Hope you got home safe and big hugs to Alan and Kelly., which they too were able to experience all Sydney has to offer....
Sydney will never be the same again !!!
Just one of the many huge nites out !!
Chad from Houston hits Sydney - Big Time !!


Well it took awhile but some Hawaii photo's are now up on the website.
Strangley enough we didn't seem to take all that many photo's in Hawaii.

If you want to save any photos just Right Click, select Save Target As, and then save it to a folder....Who knows we might end up as your screensaver and wallpaper.

Enjoy the photo's and we are both missing everyone of you and hope to catch up again soon...
Adam & Jason
Hulaween - Halloween Hawaii
Hulaween - Halloween Hawaii
Hulaween - Grace Jones Show
Hulaween - The Lovely Lee from Hulas
Lovely and Lovelier (Jason never did find out what we got up to)
Adam and DJ Bruce
Jason and DJ Bruce
Excuse me can we have some Soy Sauce ???
I'm confused who's going out with Ryan, is it Matt or Marcus ?
Oh Lovely is back with Jason again
Gee who's lovely with now - Who's that !!
Marcus and Matt - Thanks for a fun few days we loved hanging out with you guys !!
How Romatically Lovely !!
Lovely Adam and Lovely Dave
Everyone look up !!
Who's a sexy boy in the middle - Kevin NYC (Can't wait to see you in Sydney in January !!!)
Jason and the Sydney Boys David & Rob
Day One Hawaii - Catching up with old friends Terry and Kurt